Advanced Visualization
Example: using matplotlib axes to extend plotting capabilities
By passing an axes
handle to view()
you can take advantage of all plotting features from matplotlib.
from mecode import G
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
g = G()
g.serpentine(25, 5, 1, color=(1,0,0))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = g.view('2d', ax=ax)
ax.set_xlim(-5, 30)
ax.set_ylim(-2, 5)
(0,0), 25, (5-1)*1, lw=5, ec='dodgerblue', fc='none', alpha=0.3)
Generated Gcode
Result: example using matplotlib patches.Rectangle
Example: printing droplets
from mecode import G
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
g = G()
for j in range(10):
g.toggle_pressure(5) # ON
g.move(x=+j/10, color=(1,0,0))
g.toggle_pressure(5) # OFF
g.view('3d', shape='droplet', radius=0.5)
Generated Gcode
G1 F10
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.100000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.200000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.300000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.400000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.500000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.600000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.700000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.800000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X0.900000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X2.000000
; Approximate print time:
; 2.450 seconds
; 0.0 min
; 0.0 hrs