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Multilayer Prints

Example: hollow box

from mecode import G

g = G()

# define box side length
L = 10 # mm

# number of layers to print 
n_layers = 10

# spacing between layers
dz = 1

# set print speed in mm/s

# move nozzle to initial printing height

# create a list of rgba colors to showcase `color` support in `view()`
colors = [(1,0,0,0.4), (0,1,0,0.4), (0,0,1,0.4),(0,0,0,0.5)]

# turn pressure on (e.g., to start printing)

# generate print path
for j in range(n_layers):
    # move from (0,0) to (L,0)
    g.move(x=L, color=colors[0])

    # move from (L,0) to (L,L)
    g.move(y=L, color=colors[1])

    # move from (L,L) to (0,L)
    g.move(x=-L, color=colors[2])

    # move from (0,L) to (0,0)
    g.move(y=-L, color=colors[3])


# turn pressure off (e.g., to stop printing)


Generated gcode
Running mecode v0.2.38

G1 F10
G1 Z1.000000
Call togglePress P5
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
G1 X10.000000
G1 Y10.000000
G1 X-10.000000
G1 Y-10.000000
G1 Z1.000000
Call togglePress P5

Approximate print time: 
        55.299 seconds 
        0.9 min 
        0.0 hrs