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Matrix Transformation

Matrix Transforms

A wrapper class, GMatrix will run all move and arc commands through a 2D transformation matrix before forwarding them to G.

To use, simply instantiate a GMatrix object instead of a G object:

# Replace this line 
#   from mecode import G
# with this one
from mecode import GMatrix
import numpy as np

g = GMatrix()

# set print speed


# save the current transformation matrix on the stack.

# rotate our transformation matrix by 45 degrees.

# generate a serpentine path of length 25 mm, 5 lines, and 1 mm spacing
g.serpentine(25, 5, 1, color=(1,0,0))

# revert to the prior transformation matrix.




The transformation matrix is 2D instead of 3D to simplify arc support.

Generated gcode
Running mecode v0.2.38
G1 F1
Call togglePress P1
G1 X17.677670 Y17.677670
G1 X-0.707107 Y0.707107
G1 X-17.677670 Y-17.677670
G1 X-0.707107 Y0.707107
G1 X17.677670 Y17.677670
G1 X-0.707107 Y0.707107
G1 X-17.677670 Y-17.677670
G1 X-0.707107 Y0.707107
G1 X17.677670 Y17.677670
Call togglePress P1

Approximate print time: 
        129.000 seconds 
        2.1 min 
        0.0 hrs

Result: before rotating by 45 degrees

Result: after rotation transformation