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UV Curing on-the-fly

g.omni_intensity() can be used to set the intensity of a Omnicure S2000. g.omni_on() and g.omni_off() is then used to turn on and off the UV light, respectively.

Example: UV curing on-the-fly

from mecode import G

g = G()

com_ports = {
    'uv': 1, # UV Omnicure COM PORT
    'P': 5   # Pressure controller COM PORT

# define length of a single extruded filament
L = 50 # mm

# Print height
dz = 1 # mm

# set print speed in mm/s

# move nozzle to initial printing height

# Print path strategy
#   1. turn on pressure supply to start printing
#   2. turn on UV after a 5 second delay
#   3. print a single filament of length `L`
#   4. turn off pressure supply to stop printing
#   5. turn of UV
# turn pressure on (e.g., to start printing)
g.toggle_pressure(com_port=com_ports['P']) # ON
g.omni_intensity(com_port=com_ports['uv'], value=50)


g.toggle_pressure(com_port=com_ports['P']) # OFF


Generated gcode
Running mecode v0.2.38

G1 F10
G1 Z1.000000
Call togglePress P5
Call omniSetInt P1
Call omniOn P1
G4 P5
G1 X50.000000
Call togglePress P5
Call omniOff P1

Approximate print time: 
        5.101 seconds 
        0.1 min 
        0.0 hrs