Under the hood

For every printing move, mecode stores all relevant printing conditions, coordinates, etc inside a history list of print_move dictionaries. The schema of this dictionary is the following:

    'REL_MODE': bool,
    'ACCEL' : float,
    'DECEL' : float,
    'PRINTING': {
        'extruder_id': {
            'printing': bool,
            'value': float
    'PRINT_SPEED': float,
    'COORDS': Tuple[float, float, float],
    'ORIGIN': Tuple[float, float, float],
    'CURRENT_POSITION': {'X': float, 'Y': float, 'Z': float},
    'COLOR': Tuple[float, float, float]

The first entry in the list is given as the origin and with default acceleration, deceleration, and origin

history = [{
    'REL_MODE': True,
    'ACCEL' : 2500,
    'DECEL' : 2500,
    'PRINTING': {},
    'PRINT_SPEED': 0,
    'COORDS': (0,0,0),
    'ORIGIN': (0,0,0),
    'CURRENT_POSITION': {'X': 0, 'Y': 0, 'Z': 0},
    'COLOR': None


Variable Description
REL_MODE True if the current print_move is in relative coordinates
ACCEL Printer acceleration in mm/s^2
DECEL Printer deceleration in mm/s^2
PRINTING dict that contains current printing/extrusion state
PRINTING[extruder_id] Once an extrusion source is turned on, mecode automatically adds a printing state to PRINTING that can be accessed via PRINTING['extruder_id']
PRINTING[extruder_id]['printing] Once extruder_id is created, you can check if this source is currently extruding via PRINTING[extruder_id][printing]
PRINTING[extruder_id]['printing] Once extruder_id is created, you can check what extrusion rate is (in instrument units, e.g., psi for Nordson pressuder adapter) via PRINTING[extruder_id][value]
PRINTING_SPEED Printer speed in mm/s
COORDS Current print_move's, relative or absolute, coordinates in determined by REL_MODE
ORIGIN Current definition of origin. A G92 command will overwrite this
CURRENT_POSITION Hold current absolute coordinates of printer, with relative/absolute mode already taken into account
COLOR Color of current print_move. Useful for specifying custom filament color--especially for multimaterial printing

In mecode, the printing history, e.g., to use in a third-party package or own python, can be accessed via g.history[...]. Where g.history[n] specifies the nth print_move.