Download an IDE
We recommend using Visual Studio Code
Confirm python is installed
In the command line or termainal run
This should output the current version of python if installed. E.g.,Python 3.10.9
To download python visit
Confirm git is installed
Most Mac or linux systems come with git pre-installed. To confirm if git is installed run the following in the command line on Windows or terminal on Mac:
This should output the current version of git if installed. E.g.,git version 2.39.2
To download git visit
Configure virtual environment
Although no virtual environment is required to install mecode
, it is highly recommended to avoid dependency issues when working with multiple python packages.
Install latest version of miniconda.
If prompted to add conda to path, the answer is almost always yes. If you're not sure, check yes to avoid conda not found
issues down the road.
Create a new environment for working with mecode
. E.g., to create a virtual environment 3dp
Once created, activate the virtual environment
Using conda install pip and gitInstall latest version of Mamba.
Create a new environment for working with mecode
. E.g., to create a virtual environment 3dp
Once created, activate the virtual environment
Using mamba install pip and gitInstalling mecode
Open up Visual Studio Code to start you first mecode script. Run code .
in the command line / terminal to open VS code for the current directory. Otherwise, open VS Code and choose the appropriate project folder. For more information on how to use VS Code please check out their documentation at