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load_and_curate(filename, reset_start=None)

Load and process the data from the calibration filedump.


Name Type Description Default
filename path

Path to the file containing the calibration dump

reset_start len 2 tuple or None

If not None, shift calibration data to supplied starting point.



Name Type Description
cal_data Nx3 array

The array containing calibration deltas.

Source code in mecode/
def load_and_curate(filename, reset_start=None):
    """ Load and process the data from the calibration filedump.

    filename : path
        Path to the file containing the calibration dump
    reset_start : len 2 tuple or None
        If not None, shift calibration data to supplied starting point.

    cal_data : Nx3 array
        The array containing calibration deltas.

    all_data, points = load_from_file(filename)

    cleaned = clean_values(all_data[points[0]])
    cleaned_again = clean_values(cleaned, window=0.02)
    reference_mean = np.mean(cleaned_again)

    total_mean = np.array([np.mean(vals) for vals in all_data.values()]).mean()

    for point, values in all_data.iteritems():
        cleaned = clean_values(values, 0.3, total_mean)
        cleaned_again = clean_values(cleaned, 0.05)
        cleaned_again = clean_values(cleaned_again, 0.02)
        all_data[point] = reference_mean - np.mean(cleaned_again)

    values = np.array([all_data[pt] for pt in points])
    points = np.array(points)
    x = points[:, 0]
    y = points[:, 1]
    z = values

    cal_data = np.array([x, y, z]).T
    if reset_start is not None:
        cal_data[:, :2] -= cal_data[0, :2]
        cal_data[:, :2] += reset_start
    return cal_data