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Bases: object

The Printer object is responsible for serial communications with a printer. The printer is expected to be running Marlin firmware.

Source code in mecode/
class Printer(object):
    """ The Printer object is responsible for serial communications with a
    printer. The printer is expected to be running Marlin firmware.


    def __init__(self, port='/dev/tty.usbmodem1411', baudrate=250000):

        # USB port and baudrate for communication with the printer.
        self.port = port
        self.baudrate = baudrate

        # The Serial object that the printer is communicating on.
        self.s = None

        # List of the responses from the printer.
        self.responses = []

        # List of lines that were sent to the printer.
        self.sentlines = []

        # True if the print thread is alive and sending lines.
        self.printing = False

        # Set to True to pause the print.
        self.paused = False

        # If set to True, the read_thread will be closed as soon as possible.
        self.stop_reading = False

        # If set to True, the print_thread will be closed as soon as possible.
        self.stop_printing = False

        # List of all temperature string responses from the printer.
        self.temp_readings = []

        ### Private Attributes  ################################################

        # List of all lines to be sent to the printer.
        self._buffer = []

        # Index into the _buffer of the next line to send to the printer.
        self._current_line_idx = 0

        # This thread continuously sends lines as they appear in self._buffer.
        self._print_thread = None

        # This thread continuously reads lines as they appear from the printer.
        self._read_thread = None

        # Flag used to synchronize the print_thread and the read_thread. An 'ok'
        # needs to be returned for every line sent. When the print_thread sends
        # a line this flag is cleared, and when an 'ok' is received it is set.
        self._ok_received = Event()

        # Lock used to ensure serial send/receive events are atomic with the
        # setting/clearing of the `_ok_received` flag.
        self._communication_lock = Lock()

        # Lock used to ensure connecting and disconnecting is atomic.
        self._connection_lock = Lock()

        # If False the Printer instacnce does not own the serial object passed
        # in and it should not be closed when finished with.
        self._owns_serial = True

        # This is set to true when a disconnect was requested. If a sendline is
        # called while this is true an error is raised.
        self._disconnect_pending = False

        # When we reset the line number Marlin's internal number will differ
        # from our own _current_line_idx. This offset is used to keep those two
        # in sync.
        self._reset_offset = 0

    ###  Printer Interface  ###################################################

    def connect(self, s=None):
        """ Instantiate a Serial object using the stored port and baudrate.

        s : serial.Serial
            If a serial object is passed in then it will be used instead of
            creating a new one.

        with self._connection_lock:
            if s is None:
                self.s = serial.Serial(self.port, self.baudrate, timeout=3)
                self.s = s
                self._owns_serial = False
            self._current_line_idx = 0
            self._buffer = []
            self.responses = []
            self.sentlines = []
            self._disconnect_pending = False
            if s is None:
                while len(self.responses) == 0:
                    sleep(0.01)  # wait until the start message is recieved.
                self.responses = []
        logger.debug('Connected to {}'.format(self.s))

    def disconnect(self, wait=False):
        """ Disconnect from the printer by stopping threads and closing the port

        wait : Bool (default: False)
            If true, this method waits until all lines in the buffer have been
            sent and acknowledged before disconnecting.  Clearing the buffer
            isn't guaranteed.  If the read thread isn't running for some reason,
            this function may return without waiting even when wait is set to

        with self._connection_lock:
            self._disconnect_pending = True
            if wait:
                buf_len = len(self._buffer)
                while buf_len > len(self.responses) and \
                    sleep(0.01)  # wait until all lines in the buffer are sent
            if self._print_thread is not None:
                self.stop_printing = True
                if self.s is not None and self.s.writeTimeout is not None:
                    timeout = self.s.writeTimeout + 1
                    timeout = 10
            if self._read_thread is not None:
                self.stop_reading = True
                if self.s is not None and self.s.timeout is not None:
                    timeout = self.s.timeout + 1
                    timeout = 10
            if self.s is not None and self._owns_serial is True:
                self.s = None
            self.printing = False
            self._current_line_idx = 0
            self._buffer = []
            self.responses = []
            self.sentlines = []
        logger.debug('Disconnected from printer')

    def load_file(self, filepath):
        """ Load the given file into an internal _buffer. The lines will not be
        send until `self._start_print_thread()` is called.

        filepath : str
            The path to a text file containing lines of GCode to be printed.

        lines = []
        with open(filepath) as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if ';' in line:  # clear out the comments
                    line = line.split(';')[0]
                if line:

    def start(self):
        """ Starts the read_thread and the _print_thread.

    def sendline(self, line):
        """ Send the given line over serial by appending it to the send buffer

        line : str
            A line of GCode to send to the printer.

        if self._disconnect_pending:
            msg = 'Attempted to send line after a disconnect was requested: {}'
            raise RuntimeError(msg.format(line))
        if line:
            line = str(line).strip()
            if ';' in line:  # clear out the comments
                line = line.split(';')[0]
            if line:

    def get_response(self, line, timeout=0):
        """ Send the given line and return the response from the printer.

        line : str
            The line to send to the printer

        r : str
            The response from the printer.

        buf_len = len(self._buffer) + 1
        start_time = time()
        while len(self.responses) != buf_len:
            if len(self.responses) > buf_len:
                msg = "Received more responses than lines sent"
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            if timeout > 0 and (time() - start_time) > timeout:
                return ''  # return blank string on timeout.
            if not self._is_read_thread_running():
                raise RuntimeError("can't get response from serial since read thread isn't running")
        return self.responses[-1]

    def current_position(self):
        """ Get the current postion of the printer.

        pos : dict
            Dict with keys of 'X', 'Y', 'Z', and 'E' and values of their

        # example r: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00 Count X: 0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00
        r = self.get_response("M114")
        r = r.split(' Count')[0].strip().split()
        r = [x.split(':') for x in r]
        pos = dict([(k, float(v)) for k, v in r])
        return pos

    def reset_linenumber(self, number = 0):
        line = "M110 N{}".format(number)

    ###  Private Methods  ######################################################

    def _start_print_thread(self):
        """ Spawns a new thread that will send all lines in the _buffer over
        serial to the printer. This thread can be stopped by setting
        `stop_printing` to True. If a print_thread already exists and is alive,
        this method does nothing.

        if self._is_print_thread_running():
        self.printing = True
        self.stop_printing = False
        self._print_thread = Thread(target=self._print_worker_entrypoint, name='Print')
        logger.debug('print_thread started')

    def _start_read_thread(self):
        """ Spawns a new thread that will continuously read lines from the
        printer. This thread can be stopped by setting `stop_reading` to True.
        If a print_thread already exists and is alive, this method does

        if self._is_read_thread_running():
        self.stop_reading = False
        self._read_thread = Thread(target=self._read_worker_entrypoint, name='Read')
        logger.debug('read_thread started')

    def _print_worker_entrypoint(self):
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Exception running print worker: " + str(e))

    def _read_worker_entrypoint(self):
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("Exception running read worker: " + str(e))

    def _is_print_thread_running(self):
        return self._print_thread is not None and self._print_thread.is_alive()

    def _is_read_thread_running(self):
        return self._read_thread is not None and self._read_thread.is_alive()

    def _print_worker(self):
        """ This method is spawned in the print thread. It loops over every line
        in the _buffer and sends it over seriwal to the printer.

        while not self.stop_printing:
            _paused = False
            while self.paused is True and not self.stop_printing:
                if _paused is False:
                    logger.debug('Printer.paused is True, waiting...')
                    _paused = True
            if _paused is True:
                logger.debug('Printer.paused is now False, resuming.')
            if self._current_line_idx < len(self._buffer):
                self.printing = True
                while not self._ok_received.is_set() and not self.stop_printing:
                line = self._next_line()
                with self._communication_lock:
                    self._current_line_idx += 1
                # Grab the just sent line without line numbers or checksum
                plain_line = self._buffer[self._current_line_idx - 1].strip()
            else:  # if there aren't new lines wait 10ms and check again
                self.printing = False

    def _read_worker(self):
        """ This method is spawned in the read thread. It continuously reads
        from the printer over serial and checks for 'ok's.

        full_resp = ''
        while not self.stop_reading:
            if self.s is not None:
                line = self.s.readline()
                if line.startswith('Resend: '):  # example line: "Resend: 143"
                    self._current_line_idx = int(line.split()[1]) - 1 + self._reset_offset
                    logger.debug('Resend Requested - {}'.format(line.strip()))
                    with self._communication_lock:
                if line.startswith('T:'):
                if line:
                    full_resp += line
                    # If there is no newline char in the response that means
                    # serial.readline() hit the timeout before a full line. This
                    # means communication has broken down so both threads need
                    # to be closed down.
                    if '\n' not in line:
                        self.printing = False
                        self.stop_printing = True
                        self.stop_reading = True
                        with self._communication_lock:
                        msg = """readline timed out mid-line.
                            last sentline:  {}
                            response:       {}
                        raise RuntimeError(msg.format(self.sentlines[-1:],
                if 'ok' in line:
                    with self._communication_lock:
                    full_resp = ''
                if 'start' in line:
            else:  # if no printer is attached, wait 10ms to check again.

    def _next_line(self):
        """ Prepares the next line to be sent to the printer by prepending the
        line number and appending a checksum and newline character.

        line = self._buffer[self._current_line_idx].strip()
        if line.startswith('M110 N'):
            new_number = int(line[6:])
            self._reset_offset = self._current_line_idx + 1 - new_number
        elif line.startswith('M110'):
            self._reset_offset = self._current_line_idx + 1
        idx = self._current_line_idx + 1 - self._reset_offset
        line = 'N{} {}'.format(idx, line)
        checksum = self._checksum(line)
        return '{}*{}\n'.format(line, checksum)

    def _checksum(self, line):
        """ Calclate the checksum by xor'ing all characters together.
        if not line:
            raise RuntimeError("cannot compute checksum of an empty string")
        return reduce(lambda a, b: a ^ b, [ord(char) for char in line])


Instantiate a Serial object using the stored port and baudrate.


Name Type Description Default
s Serial

If a serial object is passed in then it will be used instead of creating a new one.

Source code in mecode/
def connect(self, s=None):
    """ Instantiate a Serial object using the stored port and baudrate.

    s : serial.Serial
        If a serial object is passed in then it will be used instead of
        creating a new one.

    with self._connection_lock:
        if s is None:
            self.s = serial.Serial(self.port, self.baudrate, timeout=3)
            self.s = s
            self._owns_serial = False
        self._current_line_idx = 0
        self._buffer = []
        self.responses = []
        self.sentlines = []
        self._disconnect_pending = False
        if s is None:
            while len(self.responses) == 0:
                sleep(0.01)  # wait until the start message is recieved.
            self.responses = []
    logger.debug('Connected to {}'.format(self.s))


Get the current postion of the printer.


Name Type Description
pos dict

Dict with keys of 'X', 'Y', 'Z', and 'E' and values of their positions

Source code in mecode/
def current_position(self):
    """ Get the current postion of the printer.

    pos : dict
        Dict with keys of 'X', 'Y', 'Z', and 'E' and values of their

    # example r: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00 Count X: 0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00
    r = self.get_response("M114")
    r = r.split(' Count')[0].strip().split()
    r = [x.split(':') for x in r]
    pos = dict([(k, float(v)) for k, v in r])
    return pos


Disconnect from the printer by stopping threads and closing the port


Name Type Description Default
wait Bool (default: False)

If true, this method waits until all lines in the buffer have been sent and acknowledged before disconnecting. Clearing the buffer isn't guaranteed. If the read thread isn't running for some reason, this function may return without waiting even when wait is set to True.

Source code in mecode/
def disconnect(self, wait=False):
    """ Disconnect from the printer by stopping threads and closing the port

    wait : Bool (default: False)
        If true, this method waits until all lines in the buffer have been
        sent and acknowledged before disconnecting.  Clearing the buffer
        isn't guaranteed.  If the read thread isn't running for some reason,
        this function may return without waiting even when wait is set to

    with self._connection_lock:
        self._disconnect_pending = True
        if wait:
            buf_len = len(self._buffer)
            while buf_len > len(self.responses) and \
                sleep(0.01)  # wait until all lines in the buffer are sent
        if self._print_thread is not None:
            self.stop_printing = True
            if self.s is not None and self.s.writeTimeout is not None:
                timeout = self.s.writeTimeout + 1
                timeout = 10
        if self._read_thread is not None:
            self.stop_reading = True
            if self.s is not None and self.s.timeout is not None:
                timeout = self.s.timeout + 1
                timeout = 10
        if self.s is not None and self._owns_serial is True:
            self.s = None
        self.printing = False
        self._current_line_idx = 0
        self._buffer = []
        self.responses = []
        self.sentlines = []
    logger.debug('Disconnected from printer')

get_response(line, timeout=0)

Send the given line and return the response from the printer.


Name Type Description Default
line str

The line to send to the printer



Name Type Description
r str

The response from the printer.

Source code in mecode/
def get_response(self, line, timeout=0):
    """ Send the given line and return the response from the printer.

    line : str
        The line to send to the printer

    r : str
        The response from the printer.

    buf_len = len(self._buffer) + 1
    start_time = time()
    while len(self.responses) != buf_len:
        if len(self.responses) > buf_len:
            msg = "Received more responses than lines sent"
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        if timeout > 0 and (time() - start_time) > timeout:
            return ''  # return blank string on timeout.
        if not self._is_read_thread_running():
            raise RuntimeError("can't get response from serial since read thread isn't running")
    return self.responses[-1]


Load the given file into an internal _buffer. The lines will not be send until self._start_print_thread() is called.


Name Type Description Default
filepath str

The path to a text file containing lines of GCode to be printed.

Source code in mecode/
def load_file(self, filepath):
    """ Load the given file into an internal _buffer. The lines will not be
    send until `self._start_print_thread()` is called.

    filepath : str
        The path to a text file containing lines of GCode to be printed.

    lines = []
    with open(filepath) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if ';' in line:  # clear out the comments
                line = line.split(';')[0]
            if line:


Send the given line over serial by appending it to the send buffer


Name Type Description Default
line str

A line of GCode to send to the printer.

Source code in mecode/
def sendline(self, line):
    """ Send the given line over serial by appending it to the send buffer

    line : str
        A line of GCode to send to the printer.

    if self._disconnect_pending:
        msg = 'Attempted to send line after a disconnect was requested: {}'
        raise RuntimeError(msg.format(line))
    if line:
        line = str(line).strip()
        if ';' in line:  # clear out the comments
            line = line.split(';')[0]
        if line:


Starts the read_thread and the _print_thread.

Source code in mecode/
def start(self):
    """ Starts the read_thread and the _print_thread.